ahn是什么意思,ahn怎么读 语音:
英音  ['ɑ:n] 
美音  ['ɑ:n] 
ahn 基本解释
[医][=acute hepatic necrosis]急性肝坏死
ahn 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Many expect mr ahn and mr moon to come to some sort of last-minute pact .
Joonhong ahn , a professor of nuclear engineering at the university of california , berkeley , said he believes there is no immediate threat .
Ahn said the country would keep trying , though he didn 't set a specific date for a third launch attempt .
One possible interpretation of the political mess in general and the popularity of the political novice mr ahn in particular is that korea is going through a crisis of democratic legitimacy .
A software entrepreneur who is now a professor , ahn chul-soo , has become so popular with his outspoken criticism of south korea 's politics and economics that he is considered a prospective candidate in the country 's presidential election in december .