USPS是什么意思,USPS怎么读 语音:
USPS 基本解释
abbr. United States Postal Service 美国邮政管理局
USPS 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Even today , the usps 's methods to deliver our mail are just as remarkable .
In the end , the debate about the usps is simple : it 's the privatization of a service that is supposed to be universal .
But the engine of the usps 's demise could also save it . After all , how many packages have you received from amazon lately ?
For years , the usps hasn 't just delivered our mail . It 's been a gathering place for small communities while operating as part of something larger than just a collection of mailboxes and places that sell stamps .
But he said he believed the usps will start to look increasingly attractive to other companies exploring the same-day option : " we 'd never close the door on ways to expand our revenue . "