Sali是什么意思,Sali怎么读 语音:
Sali 基本解释
[地名] [阿尔及利亚、克罗地亚、塞内加尔] 萨利
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Amid student demonstrations and other protests , albania 's prime minister , sali berisha , called the book " absurd and unacceptable " and complained about " identity based on the forgery of history . "
This eagerness to please was probably not entirely out of respect for the world bank : the project co-ordinator was the son-in-law of albania 's prime minister , sali berisha , who has recently turned his ire on the bank .
On may 19th the heads of the two main blocks in the european parliament summoned sali berisha , albania 's prime minister , and edi rama , leader of the opposition socialists , to au crocodile , a restaurant in strasbourg , to settle their differences .