Peter englund , permanent secretary of the swedish academy , said mr mo offered an " inside " view of chinese society and described him as " a mixture between faulkner , rabelais and dickens " .
If you 've ever described anything as gargantuan , you 've referenced the hero of french renaissance author fran ois rabelais 's 16th century series of novels entitled the life of gargantua and pantagruel , a satirical story about a giant and his son .
Writers like petrarch and giovanni boccaccio in italy , franois rabelais in france , and william shakespeare in england produced works that emphasized the intricacies of human character .
" Writers like petrarch and giovanni boccaccio in italy , franois rabelais in france , and william shakespeare in england produced works that emphasized the intricacies of human character . "
And , as judge bridlegoose explains in rabelais 's pantagruel , it is important to spend many hours hefting law books and unfolding documents , if you want your clients to feel reassured .