Parities是什么意思,Parities怎么读 语音:
Parities 基本解释
n. 同等( parity的名词复数 );相等;对等;<自>奇偶校验
Parities 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Despite high inflation in the meantime , many countries restored their pre-war gold parities .
Governments are then free to make their own policy choices without being dictated to by international busybodies intent on preserving artificial parities or currency unions .
These incomes are converted not at market exchange rates , but at purchasing-power parities ( ppps ) , taking account of the higher cost of living in japan .
In 2003 michael dooley of the university of california , santa cruz , with david folkerts-landau and peter garber of deutsche bank argued that a de facto dollar standard prevailed in much of the region , akin to the " bretton woods " regime of fixed dollar parities that emerged after the second world war .
In all three , the level of productivity ( measured at purchasing-power parities ) is higher in services than in industry .