According to plans filed with the city of menlo park , the house will have six bedrooms and six baths .
Menlo park -- a city of 32000 that is home to facebook 's new headquarters -- has received applications for construction for 15 new homes since august and has approved four applications for home demolitions .
Alan zafran , partner of menlo park , calif. - based luminous capital , which manages $ 3.8 billion of assets , says fellow hedge-fund managers told him they dumped some of their positions after a nov. 11 reading this year showed bullishness spiking to a near four-year high .
When it went public last month , the menlo park , calif , company commanded a valuation of more than $ 100 billion , partly because investors expect facebook to grow at triple-digit and double-digit rates much like google inc.did after its 2004 initial public offering of stock .