Lyme是什么意思,Lyme怎么读 语音:
Lyme 基本解释
n. 莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)
Lyme 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Lyme disease also infects wolves , and heartworm can reduce a wolf 's endurance by restricting blood flow to the lungs .
Protection in vaccinated individuals will wane after a year or two , so protection against lyme disease in previously vaccinated people will be nonexistent .
In clinical trials , vaccine efficacy was 49 % after 2 doses for those with definite lyme disease and 76 % after the third dose .
Diseases like malaria ( spread by mosquitoes ) , plague ( by fleas ) and lyme disease ( by ticks ) are predicted to surge as the carriers enjoy climate-related conquests of territory .
So noxious species of ants and bees are marching northwards across america , ticks carrying lyme disease are proliferating in scandinavia and tropical highlands around the world are witnessing an invasion of mosquitoes carrying malaria , dengue fever and japanese encephalitis .