The laser trap can keep a tiny spherical sample -- measuring only a millimeter across -- levitated so experiments can be done .
The entire array of atoms is levitated in a tiny near-vacuum about 100 micrometers across roughly the thickness of a page in a glossy magazine like this one .
Recently scientists have found ways to make these quantum counters even better by switching from a reliance on microwave frequencies to the faster-paced optical regime and introducing a system of checks that relies on multiple atoms in levitated grids .
You may first have heard of andre geim in the late 1990s when he was part of a team that levitated live frogs in mid-air ( video demonstration ) using giant magnetic fields , a feat that led to an ig nobel prize in 2000 .
" When it comes to flying , let 's not forget the important contribution made by that newly minted nobel prizewinner , andre geim , who has levitated frogs and a hamster and indeed co-authored a paper with the levitated hamster , " highfield says .