Kims是什么意思,Kims怎么读 语音:
Kims 基本解释
abbr. Kodak image management system 柯达图像管理系统
Kims 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The two kims aren 't related .
The ussr created north korea , but russia today still owed billions in soviet-era debts barely bothers to cultivate the kims .
A few days later , he was the highest-ranking person to speak to a crowd of tens of thousands at a military parade in downtown pyongyang that the two kims attended .
This year , ri appeared with the two kims at approximately 60 public occasions , according to a count by an american graduate student , luke herman , published at the web site nk news .
South korean and japanese news media have reported that north korea 's propaganda agencies have printed millions of pictures of kim jong eun to be distributed to the homes of ordinary citizens , who already keep photos of the older kims .