But whether it can keep pace with the increasing complexity of chinese society without undergoing fundamental changes itself is questionable .
Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age and reliable warrant of success in times of uncertainty .
Although china is the world 's biggest gold producer mining 291 tonnes in the first 10 months last year the country 's ageing gold mines have failed to keep pace with demand forcing imports to rise .
And you said they can 't keep pace with the demand .
There are not many domestic bonds and bank deposits barely keep pace with inflation .
The fda needs to keep pace with current thinking in the broader scientific community and avoid needless additional trials like those now awaiting avastin .
An effort by the ecb to keep pace with capital flight would in time lead to ruinous inflation and an even more massive crisis .
Because design is important in so many industries there is a dearth of local experts to keep pace with rising demand .
To boost worker welfare beijing wants to see income keep pace with gains in the overall economy .
Sri funds also keep pace with the performance of other funds .