Over the past 50 years , the area near carlin , nevada , has yielded more than $ 200 billion worth of gold in today 's prices .
His words reminded me of a famous quip by george carlin the late great american comedian " it 's called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it . "
With the publication of his second book , napalm and silly putty , carlin shows that the seven words you still can 't say on television are " george carlin is not a comic genius . "
Bob carlin , a visiting scholar at stanford university and formerly a senior north korea official in the us state department , said yesterday 's statement was an attempt to respond in kind to seoul " chest-beating " .
In a recent article , robert carlin , a former state department analyst who took part in negotiations with north korea in the 1990s , and john lewis , a stanford university professor , argued that north korea wanted a " long-term , strategic relationship " with america .