Alitalia是什么意思,Alitalia怎么读 语音:
Alitalia 基本解释
abbr. Italian Airlines 意大利航空公司
Alitalia 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The main trade unions at alitalia , the national airline , have called on their members to strike that day .
In europe , the long-standing basket case of the industry , alitalia , is also burdened by a large fleet of old md-80 short-haul jets , and it is largely unhedged against the soaring oil price .
It recommended air france 's offer , as did alitalia 's management .
Mr berlusconi 's own words about the future of alitalia , the country 's sickly airline , suggest that he is keener on state-fostered national champions , however inefficient , than on the discipline of the free market .
Giovanni bisignani , a former boss of alitalia and the head of iata from 2002 until this year , reminded colleagues in his leaving speech in singapore that even in 2010 , " the best year of the decade " , they had " a pathetic margin of 3.2 % " .