Lloyds will not participate in the aps but pay a compensation fee to the treasury for the implicit protection received so far .
But there are complaints from businesses , especially smaller ones , that the banks have used the aps to rebuild their balance-sheets while neglecting their side of the bargain , which was to lend more to credit-thirsty borrowers .
Last year , danish research firm btm consult aps reported that ge held the second-biggest share of the global wind-turbine market , but its slice of the pie shrank to 12.4 % from 18.5 % a year earlier .
A report published last year by the american physical society ( aps ) put the cost of extracting and storing carbon dioxide using an air-capture system based on known technology at between $ 600 and $ 800 a tonne .
Some games , such as " max and the magic marker " from the danish studio press play aps have their roots in the console and hand-held market and will now be available on the windows 7 phone , matt booty , general manager of microsoft 's mobile game studios , said in an interview .