
leuco white: 白
latr worship: 崇拜
laryngo throat: 咽喉
labiolabr lip: 唇
ichthichthyo fish: 鱼
hippo horse: 马
hedr seat, base: 座位,地点,基地,几何体的面
guberngoverncybern govern: 管理, 统治, 控制
entomo insect: 昆虫
entero intestine: 肠
dendro tree: 树
dactylo finger, toe: 指, 趾
cyanokyano blue, dark blue: 蓝, 青, 氰
cranio head, skull: 头颅, 头盖
colcil to till, to cultivate; dwell, inhabit: 耕种,培养;居住,栖息
colon colonize: 殖民