vibrio是什么意思,vibrio怎么读 语音:
英音  ['vɪbrɪəʊ] 
美音  ['vɪbrɪˌoʊ] 
vibrio 基本解释
n. 弧菌(一种S形霍乱菌)
vibrio 变化形式
复数: vibrios
易混淆的单词: Vibrio
vibrio 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
An infection called vibrio vulnificus is associated with the consumption of raw oysters .
The bacterial disease is spread by water and food that has been contaminated by the vibrio cholera bacterium .
If this program failed to reduce the infection rate , the issc agreed that the fda could require oysters to be treated after harvesting to kill pathogenic vibrio .
The non-native signaling compounds tested in blackwell 's study were first uncovered in vibrio fischeri , the bacterium that produces light in the " flashlight squid , " which lives in the pacific ocean .
In 2001 , the oyster industry trade association , the interstate shellfish sanitation conference ( issc ) , promised the fda that this industry would substantially reduce vibrio infections in oysters within seven years through a program of voluntary self-regulation and education aimed at high-risk groups .