verses是什么意思,verses怎么读 语音:
verses 基本解释
n. 诗( verse的名词复数 );韵文;诗节;(<圣经>的)节
verses 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Jotaro wakamatsu , an anti-nuclear poet who lives on the edge of the 20km ( 12.5-mile ) evacuation zone around the plant , has written verses inspired by the suicides of four local people .
Austin , texas ( ap ) - a group of teenage cheerleaders is expecting to hear thursday from a texas district judge whether they will be allowed to continue displaying bible verses at high school football games .
In these verses , he writes that he is the twelve-year-old refugee who throws herself into the sea after being raped by a pirate , and he 's also the pirate , not yet capable of love .