unshaped是什么意思,unshaped怎么读 语音:
英音  ['ʌn'ʃeɪpt] 
美音  [ʌn'ʃeɪpt] 
unshaped 基本解释
adj. 不成形状的;未定型的;粗糙的;形状不美的
unshaped 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
General development tendency and new technology of shaped and unshaped refractory have been summarized recently . It provides reference for researching and using of refractory .
The paper described the control of behavior posture and biped gait of the biped robots and its plan in details comparatively , and pointed out the next research direction is bow to control the biped robots walk in complicated condition and on unshaped ground surface steadily arid lustily .