unpegged是什么意思,unpegged怎么读 语音:
unpegged 基本解释
v. 拔木栓,解除管制( unpeg的过去式和过去分词 )
unpegged 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
And this week , of course , all eyes were on the shanghai foreign exchange market , where the newly unpegged yuan was trading .
First , it would only make sense if the currency were to be unpegged from the dollar , in which case the mercantilist strategy would collapse .
Six years after china 's central bank unpegged the yuan from the dollar , the chinese economy and political system are weathering u. s. pressure with confidence .
The yuan has gained close to 3 % against the dollar since beijing unpegged it from the u. s.currency in june .
Since china unpegged the renminbi from the dollar on june 19 , a move mr geithner said was an important step , beijing has continued to intervene in the foreign exchange markets to prevent anything more than minimal appreciation against the dollar .