tubs是什么意思,tubs怎么读 语音:
tubs 基本解释
n. 盆( tub的名词复数 );浴盆;一桶的量;笨拙缓慢的船
tubs 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
A graywater system reuses water from sinks , showers , tubs , dishwashers and washing machines to water gardens and landscaping .
Polypropylene is used in a wide array of plastic products including textiles and medium-duty objects like remote controls , large plastic tubs or chairs .
Graywater , the used water from sinks , showers , tubs , dishwashers and washing machines , represents 50 to 80 percent of home " waste " water .
The fixtures from the sinks and tubs have vanished , along with the stove . Every imaginable thing that can be pried up is gone . The entire place is gutted .
Assigned 10 to 14 rooms a day on average , they strip beds , dump sheets down laundry chutes , remake beds , scrub bathroom floors , clean tubs and toilets , empty trash , polish mirrors , clean glasses , vacuum carpets - and the work does not end there .