trickiness是什么意思,trickiness怎么读 语音:
英音  ['trɪkɪnɪs] 
美音  ['trɪkɪnɪs] 
trickiness 基本解释
n. 欺骗;狡猾;棘手;微妙
trickiness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It wasn 't so much the trickiness that caught the eye , however , as the take-no-prisoners fervour with which he did his job . Mr colson always went further than other people .
It wasn 't so much the trickiness that caught the eye , however , as the take-no-prisoners fervour with which he did his job .
The company took off partly on account of the japanese e-book market lagging far behind that of the english-speaking world-murky copyright laws , higher prices , and the technical trickiness of rendering japanese characters on e-reader screens have all been contributing factors .