Tr是什么意思,Tr怎么读 语音:
Tr 基本解释
abbr. Trough 槽;Trieste 的里雅斯特(意大利东北部港市);Trench 特伦奇(姓氏);transistor 晶体管
Tr 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Employee first : recognizing that employees are the key source of sustainable competitive advantage and basing the tr on what they value
As we announced earlier , technology review will publish tr : sf , a collection of original science fiction stories , in the fall .
All in all , tr is a way of building a culture , a way of working , a way of being entwined with the organizational goals both business and organic , and looking at maximizing the way employees perceive profit both for themselves and their firms .
Theodore " teddy " roosevelt ( also called tr ) had already served two terms as president when he decided to run for the office again .
In germany a team at the fraunhofer institute in stuttgart , led by walter tr & ouml ; sch , is using a different approach .