tabla是什么意思,tabla怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈtæblə] 
美音  [ˈtɑblə, ˈtʌblə] 
tabla 基本解释
n. 手鼓
tabla 变化形式
复数: tablas
tabla 双鼓,小手鼓
来自印度语 tabl,小手鼓,双鼓,词源同 tambor,tambourine.
tabla 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The native american flute and the tabla drone from india and occasional nature sounds .
For those seking cultural enrichment , varanasi offers opportunities to learn a clssical instrument such as the tabla or the sitar .
Police say the shooting started friday morning at a firing range ( in kannat tabla ) where the gunman was employed .
After graduating from the eastman school of music in rochester , new york , he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the smithsonian institution to study the tabla , an indian percussion instrument , in varanasi ( benares ) , uttar pradesh , india .
Police say the shooting started friday morning at a firing range ( in kannat tabla ) where the gunman was employed . He then drove to another part of the island ( last command post ) and opened fire on a crowd of tourists , wounding eight people , including two children .