surveillant是什么意思,surveillant怎么读 语音:
英音  [sɜ:'veɪlənt] 
美音  [sə'veɪlənt] 
surveillant 基本解释
n. 监视者,监督者
adj. 监视的,监督的
surveillant 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The governments at all levels , except chief executive , especially set up parallel patrol officer , one surveillant at every way and one patrol officer at every state .
The analysis of surveillant results among rat-shape aninmals and parasitic fleas at dongshan port from1989to2004 .
Software can save surveillant result mark of the whole day , and can be saved become dbase , excel or text format .
Article 31 where a qdii carries out the securities investment outside the territory of china , it shall follow the related laws and regulations as prescribed by the local surveillant organ and the local stock exchange .
The article discussed a business in detail the education of the competitor of surveillant competition environment , analysis , information competition ability that makes 5 fields such as safety of information of competitive strategy , protection and quick response , rise with development problem .