sunlike是什么意思,sunlike怎么读 语音:
英音  ['sʌnlaɪk] 
美音  ['sʌnlaɪk] 
sunlike 基本解释
adj. 太阳似的,非常明亮的,辉煌的
sunlike 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
At that distance , a sunlike star is visible through binoculars .
19 On september 30 , 2006 , the french center for national space studies beamedcosmic connexion , a tv program aimed at extraterrestrials , at a sunlike star called errai 45 light-years from earth .
That would include at least some sunlike stars that aren 't part of clusters and that thus offer no other clues to their age , and that , in turn , would tell you the approximate age of any planet that orbits those stars .
When sunlike stars run out of hydrogen fuel , they enter a red giant phase , in which their gas envelopes can swell to several hundred times their original size .
Earlier research suggested that rocky planets might be much more abundant around small stars than sunlike ones .