sperms是什么意思,sperms怎么读 语音:
sperms 基本解释
n. 精子( sperm的名词复数 )
sperms 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The gender is determined by the father 's sperms not by the mother .
As soon as a man gets an erection he starts producing fluid which includes sperms which is enough for a woman to get pregnant .
When all the other sperm were just swimming around , bob was doing sprints and lifting weights all the other sperms asked him one day , " why don 't you just swim around like us ? "
Remember , sperms can survive for several days after sex , so even if you have sex during periods , it may still stay in your body long enough to get you pregnant .
" Additionally , only a high dose of pj significantly decreased total abnormality of sperms when compared to the control , " they added .