spats是什么意思,spats怎么读 语音:
spats 基本解释
n. 口角( spat的名词复数 );小争吵;鞋罩;鞋套
v. spit的过去式和过去分词( spat的第三人称单数 );口角;小争吵;鞋罩
spats 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Such difficulties have even led to high-profile public spats .
The weekly meetings have also helped her daughter learn to handle conflict . " They have their little spats and their disagreements and they do have to work it out because they have to deal with each other the next week , " ms. morgan says .
At a thursday meeting of the 10 asean leaders , the south china sea is likely to come up as four members are claimants , including vietnam and the philippines , which have been embroiled in a series of diplomatic spats and incidents at sea with china this year .