sovran是什么意思,sovran怎么读 语音:
英音  ['sɒvrən] 
美音  ['sɒvrən] 
sovran 基本解释
n. 君主,最高统治者
sovran 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Sovran self storage reports second quarter results : revenues .
Along with these there may be co-regents , who exercise no sovran power , but are marked out as eventual successors .
From his time down to a.d. 480 , the empire is governed by two ( or even more ) sovran colleagues , who have all equal rights and competence , and differ only in seniority .
When towards the end of the fifth century the territorial partition of the empire came to an end , the system of joint sovranty ceased , and henceforward , whenever there is more than one augustus , only one exercises the sovran power .
No formal title , however , raised the sovran above the co-regent , though the latter , for the sake of distinction , was often called " the second p7 emperor , " or if he was a child , " the little emperor . "