sella是什么意思,sella怎么读 语音:
英音  [selə] 
美音  [selə] 
sella 基本解释
[医] 鞍
sella 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Hey , how do you sella chicken to a deaf man ?
Norwich union , an insurance company , downgraded the valuation of one of its main property funds by 2-3 % inseptember , while british land , a leading property group , abandoned plans to sella shopping centre in sheffield in northern england .
They must sella product for which there is almost no demand : an idiosyncratic version of christianity that teachesthat christ made a post-resurrection visit to the united states , that thegarden of eden may have been in missouri and that drinking alcohol is a sin .