scepter是什么意思,scepter怎么读 语音:
英音  ['septə] 
美音  [ˈsɛptɚ] 
scepter 基本解释
n. (尤指象征君主权位的)权杖;王权,君权
scepter 变化形式
复数: scepters
易混淆的单词: SCEPTER
scepter 节杖,权杖
来自古法语 sceptre,来自拉丁语 sceptrum,王杖,权杖,来自希腊语 skeptron,王杖,权杖,棍 子,来自 skeptein,支撑,来自拉丁语 PIE*skep,砍,切,削,词源同 shaft,shape.
scepter 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
He would lower his scepter to spare your life ?
He holds the scepter of ra .
Afternoon budapest column cross crown europe fighter figure hero history holiday hungary landmark magyar parade scepter sky soft soldier square statue sunlight symbol travel tribes war .
Whether we as readers came of age in the americas , the antipodes or elsewhere in the far-flung commonwealth , the poems and novels we encountered in the last half of the 20th century came first and foremost from shakespeare 's scepter 'd isle .
It 's being slowly swallowed up by the nebula that is a new entity set up by putin known as the national people 's front , while united russia will now be led through the parliamentary elections by medvedev , a man who was just publicly stripped of his scepter .