RFID是什么意思,RFID怎么读 语音:
RFID 基本解释
n. 射频识别;Radio Frequency Identification的缩写;即射频识别技术;俗称电子标签
RFID 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
We are positioning ourselves between pricey rfid chips and qr codes , ' says sascha voigt , printechnologics ' founder and chief executive .
Yet silver , unlike gold , also has industrial uses in electronics , solar energy , medical devices and increasingly popular radio-frequency identification , or rfid , tags .
The system , which uses radio waves to send information from an rfid tag to an information reader from a distance of several feet , can be found in a range of broader applications , as well , from animal identification to tracking library books .
Consumers know that if it doesn 't come with the rfid tag , which looks like an extra price tag , then it isn 't the real thing .