oriente是什么意思,oriente怎么读 语音:
oriente 基本解释
[地名] [阿根廷、哥斯达黎加、古巴] 奥连特;[地名] [巴西] 奥连蒂
oriente 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
After the fringe club concert we boarded a jetfoil for the portuguese colony of macau , where land was booked to open the festivities surrounding the macau book fair , a multicultural event sponsored by the instituto portugues do oriente .
As the 1994 european capital of culture and the host of the 1998 world expo ( for which santiago calatrava designed the soaring oriente train station ) , lisbon 's antique neighbourhoods got a facelift , while rundown areas around the port were completely revitalized .