nitrite是什么意思,nitrite怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈnaɪtraɪt] 
美音  [ˈnaɪˌtraɪt] 
nitrite 基本解释
n. 亚硝酸盐
nitrite 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The results of research on traditional medicine of china show the primary bioactivity of nitric oxide blood vessels and the ability to change nitrate to nitrite or nitric oxide .
A study published earlier this year in the journal of food protection found that natural hot dogs had anywhere from one-half to 10 times the amount of nitrite that conventional hot dogs contained .
Consumers have also been repeatedly poisoned by excessive levels of the chemical nitrite in meat , feng ping , a professor at the beijing academy of food sciences , told an international food-safety conference last month .
Objective to determine the nitrite content of unpacked salted vegetables marketed in xinxiang city .
The processing or curing of meats ( as with lunch meats and hot dogs ) is also a factor , since the procedure typically involves adding nitrate and nitrite substances chemical preservatives that were linked in this study to an increased cancer risk .