ndr是什么意思,ndr怎么读 语音:
英音  ['end'i:'ɑ:r] 
美音  ['end'i:'ɑ:r] 
ndr 基本解释
abbr. net discount(ed) revenue 净现值收入
ndr 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
If ndrs have not been enabled , an ndr will not be sent if voice message delivery fails .
If report redirection is set to the distribution group manager , all report request settings are suppressed except ndr messages that are sent to the distribution group manager .
The advanced queuing engine must retain the message until at least one transfer path becomes available , or until the message expires and is returned to the sender with an ndr .
Without the deleted routing group object , mail sent to non-existent users will immediately be returned to the sender with an ndr , instead of being added to the queue first .
If , on the contrary , the future rate of interest is uncertain we cannot safely infer that ndr will prove to be equal to 1dn + r / 1dn when the time comes .