microwatt是什么意思,microwatt怎么读 语音:
英音  ['maɪkrəwɒt] 
美音  ['maɪkrəˌwɒt] 
microwatt 基本解释
n. 微瓦(特),百万分之一瓦(特)(功率单位,符号为μW或μw)
microwatt 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Some coherent amplification experiments about the micro continuous wave CO2 laser signal of the order of microwatt and milliwatt hsve been done .
Plate LCD display which has microwatt consumption and is drived by CMOS circuit directly has become a unique one in the family of display , in recent years , matrix monochroic and color display screen produced abroad has a volume display information , good contrast , and definition , and is used in text and graphic display . It is now used in word processor and note book-like computer .