mbar是什么意思,mbar怎么读 语音:
英音  [m'bɑ:r] 
美音  [m'bɑ:r] 
mbar 基本解释
[医][=millibar(unit of pressure)]毫巴(压力单位)
mbar 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The measuring range is from400 mbar to1200 mbar .
Vacuum drying is considered less practical since a pressure of0.15 mbar is required to obtain a similar final water concentration in the system .
At seasonal time scales , GRACE gravity is capable to detect land water change less than 1 cm or change in oceanic bottom pressure less than 1 mbar .
The mass redistribution data derived from the GRACE time-varying gravity models will have profound impacts on various geophysical research topics . At seasonal time scales , GRACE gravity is capable to detect land water change less than 1 cm or change in oceanic bottom pressure less than 1 mbar .