lorrie是什么意思,lorrie怎么读 语音:
lorrie 基本解释
n. 洛丽(Lorraine的昵称)(f.)
lorrie 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Lorrie : but my salary will be 1100 dollars a month .
" I think what surprised us was the extent that they were not using contraception , " said lorrie gavin , a cdc senior scientist who co-authored the report .
In a post for the new yorker lorrie moore , an american novelist , praised ms dunham-whom ms moore deems to be one of the " true comedic artists " - for being " boundaryless in a way that is a little t. m. i. in life but has its dangerous thrills in narrative art . "