locis是什么意思,locis怎么读 语音:
locis 基本解释
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The mean polymorphic information content ( PIC ) was 0.716 in 15 microsatellite locis .
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world , and it certainly has the biggest catalog system , called LOCIS .
Adding Li ’ job , a genetic map including 94 SSR locis , 31 ISSR locis and 3 HMW-GS locis distributing 20 chromosomes ( not including 3 A ) was constructed .
The highest genetic diversity level , which was much higher than the cultivars , was in Jinxiu population.The number of alleles and the value of PIC in 15 SSR locis were 98 and 0.611 .
SNP loci of PLIN gene of four duck species were detected and the correlation among the PLIN gene mutation locis , carcass and fat traits were analyzed . Significant correlation was founded , which has a certain theoretical and practical reference value to carry out the cultivation of superior varieties .