libert是什么意思,libert怎么读 语音:
libert 基本解释
abbr. Libertarian 自由意志主义者,行动自由论者
libert 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
" Community management is less expensive than traditional market research consulting , " says barry libert , co-ceo of mzinga , which creates and moderates customer communities .
Going forward , more executives will need to adapt their management style to accommodate social as the c-suite controls their company 's brand even less than they did before , libert says .
In fact , the cutting edge manager has already added " follower " to their job description by now , argues barry libert , author of social nation and ceo of open matters , a boston , ma-based social media consulting firm .