kvetching是什么意思,kvetching怎么读 语音:
kvetching 基本解释
v. <美俚>强求( kvetch的现在分词 );督促;经常性地发牢骚;抱怨
kvetching 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Instead , having the freedom to complain to a friend , what held calls creative kvetching , can be cathartic .
It 's high time people stopped kvetching about wikipedia , which has long been the best encyclopedia available in english , and started figuring out what it portends instead .
So when you reach out to that kvetching blogger you found online , you 're engaged in customer service as well as pr , market research , marketing , sales , and product development .
Chinese papers have found e-bikers kvetching about spending a month 's salary on a bike that can no longer be used , and on storefront water-delivery shops that now find their business model upside down .
Plus , in american politics , when you hear kvetching about the poor , everyone knows what you 're supposed to do : hand the government your wallet .