investigatory是什么意思,investigatory怎么读 语音:
英音  [ɪn'vestɪɡətərɪ] 
美音  [ɪn'vestɪɡətərɪ] 
investigatory 基本解释
adj. 研究的,好研究的
investigatory 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It certainly gives the state new investigatory and judicial tools that could help -- if they are used .
In terms of competition for our attention , even regarding the financial crisis , there have already been numerous congressional hearings , and investigatory bodies that delved into the same topics , interviewed some of the same witnesses , and issued reports touching on similar topics .
The new law will increase the amount of personal data which can be accessed by officials through the controversial regulation of investigatory powers act ( ripa ) , which is supposed to be used for combatting terrorism .
The valencia case , whose first , investigatory phase is expected to take six months , is being joined by similar ones in the basque country , madrid , catalonia , andalusia and the canary islands .
Article 101 investigatory personnel shall conduct an inquest or examination of the sites , objects , people and corpses relevant to a crime .