inshore是什么意思,inshore怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈɪnʃɔ:(r)] 
美音  [ˈɪnˈʃɔr, -ˈʃor] 
inshore 基本解释
adj. 近海岸的;向陆的
adv. 沿海;近海岸
inshore 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters .
A study of stability and capsizing of fishing boats in north china inshore water .
Such an abrupt change from stable coral growth to death and a sudden upward and inshore shift of a reef could happen only because of a sudden change in sea level , he said .
Article 21 the state shall take measures in finance , credit and taxation to encourage and support the development of ocean fishery industry , and arranges continental-river and inshore fishing pursuant to the fishable amount of the fishery resources .
Article 14 the state shall encourage and support the development of offshore and deep sea fisheries and make rational arrangement of fishing capacity for inland and inshore fisheries .