insertions是什么意思,insertions怎么读 语音:
insertions 基本解释
n. 插入(物)( insertion的名词复数 )
insertions 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But recent research has been finding ancient traces of many viruses in animal genomes , dna insertions that have likely been there for much longer than the viruses were previously thought to have existed at all .
Ongoing speciation , reticulate evolution , ancient relic lineages , unequal rates of evolution and disparate distributions of genetic insertions / deletions among the reconstructed primate lineages are uncovered .
When verinata first started working on its verifi nipt test , rava says , sub-chromosomal insertions or deletions -- the cause of the aforementioned so-called " deletion syndromes " -- were filed under " unknown clinical significance . "