imperfectness是什么意思,imperfectness怎么读 语音:
英音  ['ɪmˌpər:fɪktnɪs] 
美音  ['ɪmˌpər:fɪktnɪs] 
imperfectness 基本解释
n. 不完全,缺点,不完善
imperfectness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Begging are mainly derived from poverty , cultural tension and imperfectness of rescue work .
Due to imperfectness of contract and dependence of company property condition for existence , the core matter of company governance is how to institute an appropriate contract to match the power of company surplus obtain and domination .
The imperfectness of the policy system in china is the main cause for the disjointing of the policy making from execution , of the inner systems of policy execution from each other , and of the policy subjects from objects , which causes the high policy execution cost .