hys是什么意思,hys怎么读 语音:
hys 基本解释
abbr. hysterical 歇斯底里的;hysteric 歇斯底里症之发作;hysterics 歇斯底里症的发作;hysteria 癔病
hys 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The Training System for Employee Design for HYS Company
When the temperature is 410 ℃, the removal of lead from HYS coal increases to 13.7 % .
Results The serum NGF levels in mild PD patients ( HYS ≤ Grade 2 ) were lower than those in moderate to severe PD patients ( HYS > Grade 2 ) and health subjects .
Removal and volatility of lead in WJP coal and HYS coal during sub-critical water treatment in a semi-continuous reactor were studied .
Therefore , to improve quality management diagnoses plays an important role in promoting enterprises of total quality management and ensuring product or service quality.Based on detailed analysis of HYS quality management system , this paper carried on an investigation and a data analysis of the production process of HYS QC product result , including the result of purchase quality , basic product quality and outgoing product quality , further discussed HYS company ’ s quality control model .