hypocapnia是什么意思,hypocapnia怎么读 语音:
英音  [haɪpəʊ'kæpnɪə] 
美音  [haɪpoʊ'kæpnɪr] 
hypocapnia 基本解释
n. (血内)碳酸过少,低碳酸血(症)
hypocapnia 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Ventricular hypertrophy and cardiocyte apoptosis induced by chronic normobaric hypoxia and hypocapnia in infant rats
Effects of hypercapnia and hypocapnia on cerebral blood flow under acute hypoxia
OSA was associated with greater body mass index , whereas CSA was associated with atrial fibrillation , hypocapnia , and diuretic use .
Stepwise Logistic regression analysis indicated that young gestational age ( GA ), oxidosis , hypocapnia and infections were the significant risk factors associated with the development of ROP . In the process of normative use of oxygen , ROP was only present in first or second phase .
[ Objectives ] The aims of our study were to evaluate the feasibility of CEU used in assessing and monitoring of CBF , and to detect the changes of cerebral perfusion of the dogs under different pathologic conditions such as normal , hypercapnia , hypocapnia , acute cerebral ischemia , drug-induced acute hypertension and hypotension .