humorously是什么意思,humorously怎么读 语音:
英音  ['hju:mərəslɪ] 
美音  [ˈhjumərəslɪ] 
humorously 基本解释
adv. 滑稽地,幽默地,诙谐地
humorously 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Indeed rex tillerson , the firm 's chief executive , once humorously referred to biofuels as " moonshine " .
Asked on thursday whether his inauguration speech would build on the hope motif that defined his campaign , the president-elect wondered , humorously , whether his former colleagues compelled him to change up themes .
Steve allen noted that anything could be dealt with humorously , including religion , death , cancer , oppression , etc. , but he stressed that this doesn 't make it socially appropriate to do so .
When paul krugman , a nobel prize-winning economist , clashed with niall ferguson , a famous historian ( and ft contributing editor ) , over how best to respond to the economic crisis , prof ferguson 's response was humorously humble .