homa是什么意思,homa怎么读 语音:
homa 基本解释
[人名] 霍马;[地名] [土耳其] 霍马
homa 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
This morning I completed the composition of this homa ritual in chinese .
More specifically , they cite a need to shield the new jewish settlements of gilo and har homa , partially built on old bethlehem land .
Homa , who works for ngo women for afghan women ( awa ) was forced to marry a taliban commander who forced her to kidnap children after the regime 's collapse
Staff training programs largely fall into two broad categories : product , sales , and technical training , which teach specific skills ; and more " intangible " workshops on leadership , team effectiveness and diversity , says homa bahrami , a lecturer in management at the university of california-berkeley 's haas school of business .