hem and haw是什么意思

hem and haw基本解释
v. 哼哼哈哈;吞吞吐吐;吞吐;哼儿哈儿
hem and haw的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Does your supervisor hem and haw when you ask for long-term assignments ?
The deputy chairman hem and haw without give a definite answer .
The san antonio spurs didn 't like what they saw in their near future so they dipped into the past with an effort that made the lakers hem and haw at every juncture .
I 'll ask my children who they think I am -- sniff scurry hem or haw -- and who they feel they are .
Haw knew he had left a trail for hem and that he could find his way if he could just read the handwriting on the wall .
He thought about turning around and heading back to cheese station c. at least if he made it back and hem was still there haw wouldn 't be alone .