har是什么意思,har怎么读 语音:
har 基本解释
abbr. haven 船舶抛锚停泊处,港口
har 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The pollard lab has thus far identified 202 such cases , where each is called a human accelerated regions or har .
More specifically , they cite a need to shield the new jewish settlements of gilo and har homa , partially built on old bethlehem land .
The knee-jerk response to this account is to think " aha - maybe some of those novel har sequences are running some new human-specific brain module or widget ! Like my consciousness ! "
A researcher picks out a har ( e.g. har34 ) , figures out what gene it 's contiguous to , and then asks : where and when is that gene switched on / off during embryological development ?
Just as in our hypothetical example , where a group of neurons failed to secrete a hormone and the second phalanx of neurons wandered off to find new targets , a mutant har is more likely to result in some human-specific pattern of regional brain differentiation .