greenheart是什么意思,greenheart怎么读 语音:
英音  ['gri:nhɑ:t] 
美音  ['gri:nˌhɑ:t] 
greenheart 基本解释
n. 樟的一种(产于西印度及南美洲);绿心硬木
greenheart 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
In a glasgow museum are two pieces of planking from a wreck submerged on the west coast of scotland for over 18 years : one , of teak , is almost entirely eaten away : the other , greenheart , is slightly pitted on the surface .
Sony ericsson , another handset-maker , recently announced a project called greenheart , which proposes various things the company would like to include in future devices , such as bioplastics and recycled materials , a low-power charger and online rather than paper-based user manuals .